
  • Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS)
  • Works with multiple pairs of coords.
  • Must include latin characters for N(orth), S(outh), W(est), E(ast).
  • No comma between coords
  • ex input:
    38°15'0.02"N 22°5'15.92"E
    38°15'6.48"N 22°4'45.90"W
    38°15'0.02"S 22°5'15.92"W


  • Decimal Degrees (DD)
  • Works with multiple pairs of coords.
  • Output rounded to 6 decimal digits.
  • Output works with Google Maps and OpenStreetMap.
  • ex output:
    38.250006 22.087756
    38.251800 -22.079417
    -38.250006 -22.087756